Sunday 5 May 2013

An Exciting New Project

I started the Landmark Self-Expression and Leadership Program (SELP) two weeks ago. SELP is the third course in the Landmark Education Curriculum for Living. Landmark Education is a company that specializes in helping people living a fulfilling and powerful life. The course allows participants to practice what they learned in the first two seminars via each participant taking on a project of their own choosing. The project is a community-based project; essentially, a project where you involve and enroll a community in your life. We have just over three months to accomplish our projects, which seems like no easy feat after listening to some of the amazing past projects completed.

I had told myself going into SELP that I was not going to do a charitable project. I was feeling a bit deflated and restless, feeling like I want a new life pursuit, but not knowing what that should be. Honestly, I was in a what's in it for me? mindset, where I was thinking I want to help myself first and foremost. "I'm already volunteering" I told a friend one evening, "and what I'm doing is enough."

The first day of our course was a 12 hour Saturday and, surprisingly, the time flew by. I got completely fired up and motivated by all the positive energy in the room  and hearing what all my coursemates were looking to accomplish through their participation in the program.

We declared our possibilities and shared what we were looking to accomplish through our participation in the course. The possibilities I created for myself are being courageous and being fulfilled. What I am seeking to accomplish is discovering my life's passion and creating a business.

We were put in smaller groups, each with a coach who we would engage with weekly throughout the course. My coach asked the group what act each of us were going to give up for the duration of the course. Mine is self-doubt. Self-doubt has stopped me from taking action several times in my life (including stopping me from writing this blog) and I am determined not to let it get in the way of me contributing 100% in this course.

Lo and behold, two interesting things came to mind:

Firstly, I got inspired for a community project and it has nothing to do with me and all about helping others. My project details still need to be worked out, but it will involve helping single mother families in an impoverished area with support they need to their survival.

The inspiration for the project came in one of those aha moments, which happened to be in the middle of the night. I woke up the night after the first course date to use the bathroom and when I got back into bed, I heard a noise. For a moment I felt scared. What is this noise? Almost instantaneously, I realized I was completely safe in my bed, in my apartment and in my community. I then thought of how many women around the world are not as fortunate as me to live in an environment where safety and security are things taken for granted. In my nightly prayers, I often thank God for having been born in Canada - a place of peace, safety and opportunity where women have equal freedom of rights. I realized, because of these blessings, I have the ability to help other women who are less fortunate. And from there, my project idea developed.

I have decided to write about my experience during this course, documenting what I accomplish, how I feel and what surprises come up for me. I am so excited for what is to come :)

The second thing that came to mind, was an interesting conversation that transpired with my coach last week. I was sharing my initial project idea, but then said "oh, I haven't done enough research, I do not know where/how/if it's even feasible."

My coach told me that so many people are so concerned with getting it right that they stop themselves from moving forward. "The most important thing is to take action." Her words really hit home for me, as one of the primary reasons I stopped blogging was I was concerned about writing each blog post perfectly... I was meticulous in editing my writing, which took a lot of time and added self-imposed pressure. That, combined with my New Year's Resolution of writing four blog posts per month made the task (which was supposed to be a hobby) seem overwhelming.

All I really want to accomplish, when I look at my inspiration for the blog, is to write, share and express myself and connect with others. The perfect writing may come over time with practice, but practice requires action. So, as I promised my coach, I am putting my self doubt aside and I am giving up the need to get it right. Instead I'll just write.

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